From the moment the first machine gun rang out over the Western Front one thing was clear: mankind's..
For more than 50 years Wendy McCarthy has been on the leading edge of Australian feminism and her tr..
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British institution and its story during the Second World ..
In the far south of New Zealand in the remote Fiordland village of Manapouri Ruth Shaw runs two tiny..
Georgia Williams' murder at the hands of college pal Jamie Reynolds was a crime that shocked the nat..
Following the death of her beloved mother Jennifer Worth in 2011 Suzannah Worth discovered amongst h..
Robin Hood Dick Turpin Ronnie Biggs the Krays. . .All have become folk heroes glamorised and romanti..
After World War II Sydney experienced a chillingly calculated crime wave thanks to discontent mixed ..
On June 22 1954 in the depth of a southern winter teenage friends Juliet Hulme and Pauline Parker we..
It's a trauma like no other. Being perceived as a threat or worse hunted as food makes an animal att..
At the age of twenty-eight Ben Bravery woke from a colonoscopy to be told he had stage 3 colorectal ..
Kitty Baxter was born in London in 1930 the daughter of a road sweeper and a cleaner and one of five..
The World War II codebreaking station at Bletchley is well known and its activities documented in de..
In a forbidding Gothic castle on a hilltop in the heart of Nazi Germany an unlikely band of British ..
For nearly three decades Dr Colin Manock was in charge of South Australia's forensic pathology servi..